Beautiful Chaos 

I received a sweet message from a young mama this week telling me how my song "Beautiful Chaos" was ministering to her as she now has a toddler and another young child. Oh, how I remember those moments so well!

(If you haven't heard the song, here is a link to a lyrics video on YouTube -

In fact, I remember that exact moment when I felt helpless in my kitchen with my toddlers undoing everything I was trying to get done.  I said out loud to no one in…

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Letting Go 

As I pulled out of the driveway the other day, my son pointed out a wasp hanging on the windshield near the wiper.  We watched as it clung helplessly to the window with the rain beating down.  We were even more impressed that he could still hang on at a speed of 65 mph. Though it seemed like he was struggling he fought to stay right where he was attached to that windshield.  I couldn’t help but think how much better off he would be if he would just let go.  He was made to fly for goodness sake!  Why would…

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The Golf Ball 



There’s a golf ball on my porch.  It’s been there for about a month and half.  This may not seem so unusual to you, but no one in my family plays golf or even owns a golf ball (that I know of).  I am not sure where it came from or who put it there.   I thought about asking my family members about it, but I never did.  I thought about picking it up and moving it, but I never did.  Instead, for 6 weeks my family and I have stepped over it or walked around it instead of just dealing with it.

Can you…

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Have a Mary Christmas... 

Some of you that know me will be appalled at the misspelling in the title of this blog.  But it is not a mistake.  I am literally wishing that you have a "Mary" Christmas, not a "Martha" Christmas.

Luke 10:38-42
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and …Read more

What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving? 


“I won’t look at what I’ve lost, but instead at what I’ve gained.
We rarely learn as much from happiness as we do from pain.”


As we approach Thanksgiving Day, many people express the things they are thankful. These mostly include the “good” things in their life that God has given them.  It’s true, God is a God of blessings and I am certainly grateful for those things.   But those are not the only things for which I am grateful.


  • I am grateful for the family and friends that died way too young so…
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Be Still 

We are surrounded by noise.  This morning I was bombarded by the sounds of hungry cows and sheep hollering at me to hurry up with their morning feed.  As I sit here, a helicopter flies overhead, nearly shaking my house while a radio plays in the background.  But I am used to it.  We're rarely quiet anymore.  We have the ability to be entertained in our homes, in our cars, and everywhere.  But in Psalm 46:10 God tell us to "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be…

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Halloween Past 


This is one of my favorite pictures, even though it was taken awhile ago on Halloween.  It's not because of the composition or the colors, or any of that other photography stuff, but rather because of the glimpse into the boys' personality.  Number 1 son, is trying his best to be stoic, like a fearless ninja, but that can't hide his serious yet kind eyes.  Number 2 son, who was barely walking at the time, was imitating what he had seen his big brother doing earlier.  He still looks to his brother to…

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